Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Craft Club Day - Mark Your Calendars

So although Wood Projects won with the most votes we are going to start with something a little easier and less time consuming for our first project!
We are going to do BOW-MAKING!

We have picked Tuesday, May 12 from 6 p.m.-9p.m. to meet here in the hospital
on Labor and Delivery. We are also going to have a pot luck that evening, so please email us to let us know that you are coming. About a week before that evening we will post a sign up sheet so you will know what to bring and how many to make your dish for.

Here are the items that you will need to bring:

*1 yard of ribbon to make each bow (some ribbons are harder to work with than others, but pick whatever kinds of ribbons you like and we will make it work!)
*Alligator clips (1 for each bow you make)
*Fabric glue
*Fray check
*Stretchy ribbon for headbands (1 yard will make approximately 2 headbands depending on the size of the child's head)
*Needle and spool of thread (white thread for light ribbon and black for dark)
*If you want to do flowers as well as bows, just buy the size flower you want and an alligator clip to glue to the back

Some Suggestions for Places to Get Supplies:
*The Lace Place
2682 Highland Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
(801) 474-2697
*JoAnn's Fabric Stores
*Robert's Arts and Craft Stores

Please email us with any questions you have about supplies or anything else.

Also make sure that you vote for our next project as well as the day that you would like to have the craft day. We want to make sure we vary it from month to month so that as many people as possible have a chance to come.

Even if you don't want to make bows, come hang out! It is going to be fun!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My first quilt

This was my first quilt. I never sewed growing up. My mom is an incredible seamstress, so naturally I wanted to do the opposite as my mom. I learned to love it as I got a little older. I am not very good, but I sure have fun doing it. Working with the incredible fabrics that are available are what make it so fun for me. This quilt was done by machine applique. My great grandmother, Ethel May Piper, taught my mom. I love passing an art form down from generation to generation.